As part of the Daventry Festival of the Arts, the Art and Design Department at Northampton College's Daventry Centre is planning a series of fun and practical workshops in July for local residents. Taking place on Thursday, 10 July and Tuesday, 15 July at the Daventry Centre, Badby Road West, the free workshops will give people the opportunity to try their hand at a range of creative skills, from ceramics and surface design to print making techniques and mixed-media.

Ann Newman, aged 60 attended the same workshops last year and is now completing a BTEC Level 3 qualification in Art and Design, she said, "Never in a million years did I think I'd be here studying something I love. I just didn't think it would be flexible enough or financially possible. After coming along to the free workshop last year I was instantly hooked. I've always been interested in art, ever since I was about 11 years old but I didn't have the opportunity back then to fulfil this passion. This course has really turned my life around and I've learnt so much since I started in September. When I finish this year I'm definitely planning on progressing onto the second year and I'm even considering university after that."