Northampton College is joining forces with local businesses to offer young people the chance to take their first step on the career ladder with an Apprenticeship. The College has been in touch with business across Northamptonshire from many different sectors who are all actively seeking apprentices to join their teams. The College is keen to fill over 40 vacancies for Apprenticeships in Business Administration and Customer Service. There are also places available in Engineering, Warehousing, Hospitality, Hairdressing and Childcare.

network rail apprentice 250James Whybrow, assistant principal at Northampton College said; 'There has never been a better time to start an Apprenticeship. Employers have never been more receptive to the concept of growing their own talent by developing a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce. We currently have more vacancies than we can fill with new opportunities coming in every day. Significant numbers of jobs are available in administration and customer services across a range of sectors. The skills that young people will acquire through an Apprenticeship in these areas are highly transferable. Every business needs organised processes and systems for fulfilling orders and good customer service can be what sets a business apart from its competitors. We also have vacancies in other popular areas and would encourage anyone who might be interested to come and see us at one of our scheduled events as part of National Apprenticeships Week'.